Hexapod Robots - The Future of Robotics

In the 21st century, robots are used in a large number of industries. From factories, healthcare, and research facilities, to schools, the military, and even outer space, robots are becoming more useful and needed than ever before (Home of Engineering Services Outsourcing, 2008). One particular area of robotics that has gained interest in the past decade is the locomotion of legged robots. Roboticists are moving away from wheeled robots as they are constrained to travel on even ground, and are looking for the best mechanisms for legged robot gait.

Interestingly, scientists have turned to biology for inspiration, in particular, insects. Roboticists are interested in insects because they are hexapedal, so are very stable and have the ability to use one or more legs for other tasks, without compromising their stability or locomotion (Beer et al, 1993). This website explains how insect gait has been modified for use in hexapedal robots, and how these robots are superior to their bipedal or quadrapedal counterparts.

The starting point in designing hexapod robots began with studies into the leg anatomy of insects. That is where we will also start.